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RML appoints Brenton Justin Mauriello as new CEO

RML has appointed Brenton Justin Mauriello as chief executive officer, effective from 1 April, 2024, following approval from the Board of Directors Meeting No 5/2024. Brenton succeeds Korn Narongdej, who remains RML’s director, chairman of the executive committee, chairman of the enterprise risk management committee, and member of the nomination and remuneration committee to support the newly appointed CEO in further driving RML business.
RML unveils new strategy to lead the company through sustainable growth

RML has announced a new corporate strategy to strengthen and lead business to an international level, and to foster sustainable growth.

Four key strategies are being implemented to enhance the company’s competitive edge. 
• Strategy 1: Enhance organizational effectiveness. 
• Strategy 2: Improve investment efficiency to ensure financial stability. 
• Strategy 3: Maintain leadership position in the real estate market at both luxury and ultra-luxury levels. 
• Strategy 4: Maintain strong business performance. 

The four key strategies are being actioned in four steps. 
• Step 1: Strengthen financial capabilities to maximize returns for the company. 
• Step 2: Seek opportunities to create additional value by generating awareness and revenue from company projects, including recurring revenue and sales revenue from the projects. 
• Step 3: Establish a private equity trust to invest in upcoming projects, attracting investors to participate in the fund and providing maximum returns to shareholders of the company. 
• Step 4: Expand business internationally and seek additional expertise partnerships to become a leader in the luxury and ultra-luxury real estate market in Thailand. 

With the strategic turnaround plan, RML is projected to generate recurring profit and increase the share price from 2026 onward.